| Campina | www.terrorgruppefan.de.ms | Grenouille |  | 35 messages postés |
| Posté le 17-10-2006 à 19:49:34
| hören eigentlich auch welche von euch deutschpunk? cheers, campina |
| eva | Grenouille | 92 messages postés |
| Posté le 18-10-2006 à 10:12:37
| könntest du einige Bands nennen? tschüssi eva
-------------------- -Little Miss Helpful- |
| Campina | www.terrorgruppefan.de.ms | Grenouille |  | 35 messages postés |
| Posté le 18-10-2006 à 12:37:51
| hmmm...abstürzende brieftauben, terrorgruppe,wilde zeiten,betontod,sprottenrock, rasta knast,normahl,SIK,LAK,slime, staatspunkrott,nevermind,dödelhaie, dritte wahl,daily terror,bitume,zaunpfahl,no exit, the bottrops,dog eared pages,abfallsozialprodukt, xarecrows,wohlstandskinder,wizo,wka, der dicke polizist,tote hosen,ärzte,NOE, heiter bis wolkig,JBO,ni ju san,untergangskommando,... |
| francklepunk | Membre du STAFF |  | 324 messages postés |
| Posté le 18-10-2006 à 13:07:14
| I've seen terrorgruppe live once, they were supporting burning heads here in poitiers but I just can't really remember how it was! And of course I heard about die toten hosen and die ärzte! They're quite famous! I even have some records in my collection! I think I've also got a tape of die golden citronnen somewhere! Anyway, if you want to, you can find some german punkbands here in France, but it's more & more difficult because they're not distributed here so the only stuff you can find, is imported records! Hopefully internet does exist now & it makes it easier to find german stuff.
-------------------- aMiCaLeMeNt rOcK!!! |
| Campina | www.terrorgruppefan.de.ms | Grenouille |  | 35 messages postés |
| Posté le 20-10-2006 à 17:14:45
| Terrorgruppe is the best German Punkband,I think. I´ve seen the terrorgruppe on 22.12.2004 in Hamburg (Germany) live. And I have a Fan-Homepage www.terrorgruppefan.de.ms so,das war erstma genug schlechtes english ^^ |
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